If you want to browse the stacks for Black Studies books, you can find titles related to this topic in the call number sections below. If you need assistance finding a topic or a specific title, just ask a reference librarian for help.
CS - Genealogy
D - History
DT - History of Africa
E - United States History
E 184-185 - History of Afro-Americans
E 441-453 - Slavery in the United States, Antislavery Movements
E 456-655 - Civil War Period
F 1-975 - United States Local History
GT - Manners and Customs
GV - Recreation and Leisure
H - Social Sciences
HB - Economics and Demography
HM - Sociology
HN - Social History and Conditions, Social Problems, Social Reform
HT - Communities, Classes, Races
HV - Social Pathology, Social and Public Welfare, Criminology
JC - Political Theory
JK - US Political Institutions and Public Administration
JV - Colonies and Colonization, Emigration and Immigration, International Migration
JZ - International Relations
K - Law
LA - History of Education
LC - Social Aspects of Education
LJ - Student Fraternities and Societies
M - Music
N - Art
P - Philology and Linguistics
PL - 8000-8844 - African Languages and Literature
PN - Literature
PS - American Literature