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Van Ness Lamond-Riggs

Building 39, Level B

202-274-5104 (Reference)

202-274-6009 (Circulation)

Second Floor

202-274-7472 (Reference)

202-274-7488 (Circulation / Media)


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...or explore the full-text electronic collections in our A to Z Resource List.

Explore Our Black History Collection

The Black History Collection showcases a wealth of resources that emphasize the rich cultural heritage of African Americans and Black people. It honors their voices, achievements, and significant contributions across various fields and throughout history. This collection serves as a powerful tool for education, preserving the diverse experiences and legacies that have shaped the nation.

Explore the Collection

Webinar Series: AI in Context

This semester, we're excited to present several useful (and FREE!) webinars all about AI. We're going to cover everything from the basics to creating prompts to thinking about when and why you should use AI. 

Learn More

The Library Moved!

The library is happy to announce that our renovation is complete! We have moved to Building 39, Level B. We are OPEN but please pardon our dust as we finalize the space. Email if you have questions.

Not sure how to get to our new location, watch this brief video.

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The library has a newsletter! Sign up here to receive a monthly dose of great content including tips and tricks, new resources and services, and more!

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