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Firebird Film Festival 2019 - Wealth

The mission of the Firebird Film Festival is to be innovative educationally and to encourage social, cultural, economic and political awareness among the UDC student body and D.C. community.

Talk to Me

Wealth of a Culture: A Celebration of Resiliency and Soul in Community

Saturday, November 2


​Talk to Me

The story of Petey Greene was a movie waiting to be made. Greene came out of prison to become, literally overnight, a popular and influential DJ. He was on WOL, a Washington, D.C., station that was looking for a morning man to connect with its African-American audience and got more than it bargained for. Don Cheadle gives a fascinating performance as a man able to step out of a cell and into a broadcast booth, but not sure where to step next.


Time: Doors Open @ 6 p.m. Film – Starts @ 6:30 p.m.

Location: Bertie Backus Auditorium (5171 South Dakota Ave NE)



Family Resilience

Family resilience is a dynamic process in which families successfully cope with or adapt to adverse events or conditions that place them at risk for poor outcomes. This occurs when families use family, individual, and community resources that compensate for or assist in the recovery from adverse events to achieve positive outcomes. Research has examined the impact of common risk factors, for example, physical or mental illness, disability, substance abuse, normative transitions, and disasters, and the benefits from protective factors such as positive family functioning, spiritual beliefs, or supportive resources outside the family. Family resilience‐based treatment approaches assess interactions between risk factors and available protective factors and focus on interventions that enhance protective factors.

Family resilience is a process in which families successfully cope with or adapt to adversity and consequently become more resourceful and confident. It is a dynamic process rather than a family trait or outcome. It refers to a family's ability to overcome the impact of acute or chronic stressors, life transitions, or multiple stressors over time. Specific methods for accomplishing family resilience vary, both between families and for the same family at different times, because resilience is influenced by the type and level of adversity, family developmental stage, family coping and problem‐solving abilities, and available resources. Therefore, the family resilience process occurs when available family, individual, and community factors help families manage or recover from the impact of adverse events. Such factors are labeled protective factors. These concepts have influenced family resilience‐based treatment approaches to enhance families' ability to successfully cope or adapt.


Coyle, James P. "Family Resilience." The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies, edited by Constance L. Shehan, Wiley, 1st edition, 2016. 

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