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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Black Life in America This link opens in a new window
The experience of African Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today. This primary source collection offers an expansive window into centuries of African American history, culture and daily life—as well as the ways the dominant culture has portrayed and perceived people of African descent. The content in this database is sourced from more than 19,000 American and global news sources, including over 400 current and historical Black publications.
Disability in the Modern World This link opens in a new window
  • Video/Multimedia
  • Full Text Available

One person in seven experiences disability, yet the story of this community and its contributions is largely absent from the scholarly record. Access to the primary and secondary source materials within this collection enables you to include this important piece of the puzzle in your research.

Ebony Magazine Archive This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available

Covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship, and other social topics with an African-American focus. It includes more than 800 issues providing a broad view of African-American culture from its first issue in 1945 through 2014.

Education Magazine Archive This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available

Archive of magazines in the field of education, ranging from the early 20th to 21st centuries. The publications are aimed at teachers and other educational professionals and chart the evolution of educational policy, practice and theory.

Ethnic Diversity Source This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available

Scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, historical documents, and biographies are complemented by primary sources, such as speeches and interviews. Complete with robust collections of videos and e-books, Ethnic Diversity Source creates a dynamic research experience for students and researchers.

Global Issues Library This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available

Includes coverage of 180 issues, topics, and events from the late 1890s to the present that are key to understanding today’s world including border and migration, atrocities and human rights violations, peacekeeping, climate change, terrorism, revolutions, and human trafficking.

JoVE Core Chemistry This link opens in a new window
  • Video/Multimedia

JoVE Core Chemistry brings general chemistry concepts to life using concise and easy-to-understand animated video lessons. Plus, in the scientist-in-action videos, we demonstrate classical and original research experiments performed in today's laboratories worldwide.

JoVE Physics Series This link opens in a new window
  • Video/Multimedia

Collections cover classical mechanics and thermodynamics as well as electrostatics, magnetism, optics, wave-based oscillations, and electrical circuits.

OpenAlex This link opens in a new window
A free and open catalog of scholarly papers, authors, institutions, and more. It is considered an alternative to Web of Science and SCOPUS.

The purpose of OpenAlex is to catalog publication sources, author information, and research topics. It also shows connections between these data points to provide a comprehensive, interlinked view of the global research system.
PsycBOOKS This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available
  • eBook

APA PsycBooks from the American Psychological Association (APA), includes chapters in PDF from books published by the APA and other distinguished publishers, and includes digitized content of historical significance from the Archives of the History of American Psychology (AHAP) collection. It also contains classic books of landmark historical impact in psychology dating from the 1600s, and the exclusive electronic release of authored entries from APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.

PsycTESTS This link opens in a new window
APA PsycTests, produced by the American Psychological Association (APA), serves as a repository for a growing selection of psychological tests and measures, including thousands of actual test instruments and test items that are available for immediate download and use in research and teaching. PsycTests is an authoritative source of structured information about tests of relevance to psychologists and professionals in related fields such as psychiatry, management, business, education, social science, neuroscience, law, medicine, and social work.
SAGE Business Cases This link opens in a new window
  • Case Studies

SAGE Business Cases is a collection of authoritative case studies available to the whole campus without the need for per‐case purchase. This collection spans the globe, including all business types and the gamut of business and management topics. Instructors have access to teaching notes that can include PowerPoint presentations, learning objectives and discussion questions, and in‐depth case analyses.

SAGE Research Methods This link opens in a new window
  • Video/Multimedia
  • Full Text Available
  • eBook

The ultimate methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences, including the largest collection of qualitative methods books available online.

Shakespeare's Words This link opens in a new window
  • Full Text Available

An online version of the most comprehensive and up-to-date Shakespeare glossary. It also includes the searchable full text to all of his plays (both First Folio and modern texts) with synopses, character lists, and more.

Social Explorer This link opens in a new window
  • Statistics/Data

Social Explorer is an online demographic research tool. It provides hundreds of interactive data maps of the United States. In addition to being a premier research tool, it is an ideal teaching resource thanks to its engaging visual approach to demographic information.

Social Work Online This link opens in a new window
  • Video/Multimedia

Pairs recently published social work textbooks along with compelling documentaries clinical demonstration videos, and engaging lectures that illustrate the complex and challenging realities social work students will face as practitioners. The content is structured around twelve of the most important topics in the social work curriculum, most of which are applicable worldwide.

Statista This link opens in a new window
  • Statistics/Data

Statista is a statistics portal integrating over 80,000 diverse topics of data and facts from over 18,000 sources onto a single platform. Categorized into over 21 market sectors, Statista provides access to relevant and quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a wide variety of other areas of interest or markets. Sources of information include market researchers, trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases. Data sources include market research reports, such as the Ipsos Affluent Survey published annually by Ipsos Media, Simmons National Consumer Studies and Consumer Insights from Scarborough Research, as well as trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.
