To enhance faculty understanding of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education, the library will host a series of webinars directed at explaining and connecting the Frames to classroom instruction and research assignments.
The ACRL Framework was developed to provide direction for teaching core concepts of information literacy in higher education. Information literacy is an integral part of growing and becoming a lifelong learner. The competencies addressed in each of these frames can help faculty members provide their students with necessary skills to succeed in their classes, the workforce, and everyday life.
The webinar series will:
To register for any or all of the sessions, fill out this form. Faculty who attend the live sessions will receive a certificate of completion.
Each webinar will last for up to one hour. The sessions will be held on Zoom (access through the session links above or register here). Each session will provide approximately 30-45 minutes of content with the remaining time reserved for Q&A. Time will be given for unrecorded Q&A as well.
All of the webinars will be recorded and registrants will receive a link to the recording. Recordings will also be posted on YouTube.
To register for any or all of the sessions, fill out this form. Registrants will receive log-in links and reminders for each session they select.
If you have any questions, please contact Meghan Kowalski, Outreach and Reference Librarian, at