For some of you, graduation is just around the corner. Congratulations!
Leaving college and heading into the "real world" can be intimidating... even if you've been working the entire time you were taking classes.
First, know that we believe in you. You can do this and you will be awesome at whatever you set your mind to.
Next, know that you have the skills to succeed. What you've learned in the classroom (and on the job) can help you tackle all those "real world" problems.
All those hours you spent writing papers have prepared you for drafting memos or work reports.
All those hours reading have gotten you ready review company emails, manuals, training materials, and research.
All those hours taking online classes has given you a background in attending meetings whether they are online or in person.
You have the skills already, you'll just be using them in a slightly different manner.
And that applies to research as well. Every time you used keywords in UDC Search or applied filters in a library database, you learned how to do "real world" research.
It doesn't matter if you're looking up statistics for your new boss, buying a car, or tracking down the perfect jacket on Amazon - you are researching. As you scan through results, you're deciding what is the best option for your needs. That is the same as evaluating sources to find the best article for your papers.
Research doesn't end when you leave the University, it just changes shape.