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    Faculty Webinar Series: Teaching Research

    by Meghan Kowalski on 2023-08-02T08:00:00-04:00 in Information Literacy | 0 Comments


    Join us this fall for a series of faculty webinars hosted by the UDC Library and the Center for the Advancement of Learning (CAL). In this series, we will look at teaching research and information literacy in your classroom. Developing strong research skills not only improves course outcomes but develops students into lifelong learners with tangible, marketable and transferable career skills.  

    This series will explore how students approach research, methods of teaching research, and specific ways to develop assignments to achieve course SLOs.  

    All UDC faculty are invited to attend. This series includes webinars, hyflex sessions, and in-person conversations.  


    Teaching Research: How Students Approach Research 

    Sept. 6 @ 1:00 PM (Webinar) 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 

    • Students come to our classrooms with different backgrounds in research. These existing experiences and skills influence how they perceive conducting research in your course. In this session, we will look at how students approach the research process, emotional reactions to research, common pitfalls, and which existing skills can be pivoted for the classroom. We will also share what you need to know as a faculty member to address these issues. 
    • Register for Teaching Research: How Students Approach Research 


    Teaching Research: Theories of Pedagogy of Research Teaching 

    Sept. 27 @ 1:00 PM (Hybrid) 

    Online OR Library Classroom – Building 71 (4250 Connecticut Ave.), Room #3323 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 


    Teaching Research: Awareness of and Finding Information Sources 

    Oct. 18 @ 1:00 PM (Webinar) 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 

    • A common strategic learning objective is for students to develop an awareness of and ability to engage with different information sources. This SLO is only increasing in importance with the surges in AI created content and misinformation. In this session, we will look at how to engage students in the world of information. We will look at different kinds of information and show how to provide students with a method for figuring out what kind of information they need, where to find it, and how to evaluate sources. 
    • Register for Teaching Research: Awareness of and Finding Information Sources 


    Community Conversation: Teaching Research (Van Ness) 

    Oct. 25 @ 1:00 PM (In Person) 

    Library Classroom – Building 71 (4250 Connecticut Ave.), Room #3323 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 

    • Join us for a community conversation sharing what it is like teaching research in your classroom. We will discuss positive outcomes and growth opportunities along with how to identify and overcome difficulties. The session will focus on increasing the research resiliency of your students. 
    • Register for the Community Conversation at Van Ness 


    Community Conversation: Teaching Research (Bertie Backus) 

    Nov. 1 @ 1:00 PM (In Person) 

    Location TBD (will be in the Bertie Backus building on the Lamond-Riggs Campus) 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke  

    • Join us for a community conversation sharing what it is like teaching research in your classroom. We will discuss positive outcomes and growth opportunities along with how to identify and overcome difficulties. The session will focus on increasing the research resiliency of your students. 
    • Register for the Community Conversation at Bertie Backus 


    Teaching Research: Assignment Design 

    Nov. 8 @ 1:00 PM (Hybrid) 

    Online OR Library Classroom – Building 71 (4250 Connecticut Ave.), Room #3323 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 

    • Intentional assignment design is a critical component for ensuring that students achieve course SLOs. In this session, we will look how to approach assignment design as it relates to research. We will discuss different parts of the research process and how they can be incorporated into common components like annotated bibliographies and research papers. We will also discuss how to scaffold assignments to help modularize and reinforce the research process. 
    • Register for Teaching Research: Assignment Design 


    Teaching Research: Partnering with the Library 

    Nov. 29 @ 1:00 PM (Webinar) 

    Hosted by Meghan Kowalski, Cathy Meals, and Tricia Clarke 

    • You do not have to teach research on your own. The UDC library is here to support your research instruction through targeted lessons and engaging activities. In our final session, we will show how the library can support your student research instruction. We will share what options the library offers and how to incorporate them into your courses. 
    • Register for Teaching Research: Partnering with the Library 


    All webinars and hybrid sessions will last for up to one hour and will provide time for Q&A (recorded and unrecorded). The recordings will be posted on YouTube and sent to all registrants. 

    If you have any questions, please contact Meghan Kowalski, Outreach and Reference Librarian, at

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