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Drama and Theater

This guide provides information about finding resources for the subject of drama and theater.

Performance and Production Reviews

Performance reviews and production histories can be useful to look at when you're conducting research on an actor, playwright, theater, or specific play. They can provide details about casting, acting style, costume, set design, lighting, and a ton of other parts of drama and theatre.

When searching for reviews and production histories, it is helpful to try the following:

  • Local, Regional, and National Newspapers
  • Local Websites
  • Individual Theater Companies' Websites and Social Media
  • Individual Actor, Director, or Production Designer Personal Websites
  • Biographies of the Playwright
  • Critical Editions of the Play or Production
  • Websites on the Playwright, Play, or Production
  • Stage Histories of Particular Plays or Playwrights

Newspapers and Newswires

Newspapers and newswires report information via research, interviews, surveys, speeches, etc. They can provide the latest information on what people are thinking about your topic. Reading different newspapers may provide different perspectives for you to consider in your research.

Newspapers and newswires are available in the following databases: